What is real - anyway?

Our personality traits, past stress, life choices and  emotions often cloud the "truth" of daily situations. We are spiritual beings and all events of daily life are subjected to the collaboration of spiritual laws within the universe. How do we get through passing moments and each day with spiritual integrity? By petitioning the universe, speaking to the divine on the way to work, attending events, while sitting in the car, meeting up with friends or anytime through out the day. Ask for the day to unfold in the most ideal way for all parties involved. Ask that if conflicts arises, you can be open to the compassion needed to handle the situation or circumstance.
      Harmony is readily available to all those who seeking to embrace it. Try to view people through the lens of love. Search for the truth behind people's actions, intentions are rarely as negative as first perceived. Try to resist the need to succumb to personal prejudices or emotions from the past.
The universe renews itself from moment to moment and people can too. Decide what you're willing to fight for... Love? Limiting beliefs? Or personal freedom? The world is about choices.

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