Written by Amber Jones
When All is Lost
written by Amber Jones
When God’s voice is lost
hearing is sharpened
hearing is sharpened
vision becomes clear
When security leaves
strength develops
When comfort is gone
faith is essential
faith is essential
When stability fades
your persistence is ignited
When peace moves away
you seek and pursue it
When hope deminishes
God replaces it
written by Amber Jones
written by Amber Jones
Because I keep going
I give glory to God
Because my spirit leads the way
Because I ask for strength
Because my spirit leads the way
I will be champion of every battle
Because I ask for strength
my faith will be renewed
Because I continue when faced with difficulties
I will be the victor of all circumstances
Because I surround to God
Im protected in all situations
Because I pursuit dreams in my heart
success is always mine
Because I do what so many won't
Because I do what so many won't
I'll become someone so many aren't
A Daughter's Poem
Dedicate to my dad
A Daughter's Poem
Written by Amber Jones
A Daughter's Poem
Written by Amber Jones
As a little girl...
You came here as a blessing for me
Your spirit allowed you to become a meaningful dad
The Creator allowed you to exist as part of my world
Time allowed you to see how fast life really does go
As a free-spirited teen...
Patience allowed you to be considerate when I wanted my way
Discernment allowed you to know when it was time to give me a talk
Emotional break downs & chocolate allowed you to know when it was time to leave me alone
Suffering allowed you to comfort me & know when to give me a hug
Hardships allowed you to have compassion for the things I thought mattered
As a young woman...
Knowledge allowed you to know I would fight in order to determine what was most ideal for me
Wisdom allowed you to let me go, discover my truth and to find my own way
Peace allowed you to have some comfort despite the countless nights I never came home
Arguments allowed you to see the passion I had for what I believed in
As a woman without fear...
Mercy allowed me to take refuge with you for shelter & understanding
Grace allowed me to find refuge without you when I needed a place to be safe
Guidance allowed me to turn back no matter how far I had already gone
Joy allowed you to be a proud father during my memorable moments
Loyalty allowed you to stay proud despite unflattering actions and unruly conduct
Your certainty allowed me to persist even after I'd failed so many times
Your strength allowed me to stand after stumbling on every step
Your reassurance allowed me to succeed when I'd already decided to quit
Your support allowed me to be courageous enough to go after what I wanted
Your love allowed me to grow into who I wanted to be
As a woman with understanding...
Your faith allowed me to believe in things after I lost sight of hope
Your forgiveness allowed me to make mistakes so I could learn how to live on my own
Your personal struggles allowed me to see how a man survives through difficult times
Your commitment allowed me to see what's really important in life
Your example allowed me to accept defeat is never an option
As a woman with appreciation...
Life allows you to see how far I have come
The future lets you to see how much more I will go
This moment allows you to know how much I love you
Our relationship allows me to appreciate you as my father
Our bond reminds me I will always be daddy's little girl
Our connection shows me I'm the luckiest woman alive to have you as my wonderful dad
I love you daddy.
Happy Father’s Day....everyday.
Your Little Girl,
Undetermined Time
Undetermined Time
written by Amber Jones
written by Amber Jones
new becomes old
present becomes past
sadness becomes joy
sadness becomes joy
In an undetermined amount of time
desire unravels like tangled chords
hope will defines strands
life reveals it's depths
In an undetermined amount of time
vague becomes clear
ordinary becomes classic
a new prodigy becomes known
vague becomes clear
ordinary becomes classic
a new prodigy becomes known
In an undetermined amount of time
pioneers become leaders
creativity becomes master
the next masterpiece becomes perfected
In an undetermined amount of time
exceptional becomes phenomenal
performance becomes outstanding
talent becomes refined
talent becomes refined
In an undetermined amount of time
experience becomes appreciated
experience becomes appreciated
new becomes ordinary
the next mind becomes greatness
the next mind becomes greatness
victory becomes certain
success becomes expected
life becomes legend
Pillars of Life
Pillars of life support the structure of everyday living
Each pillar strengthens and adds beauty to the world's design
One by one each pillar compounds strength,
allows stability,
and supports the whole
Each beam supports life
secures foundation
and fortifies the structure
People are like those pillars
making each other stronger
by living our own purpose in life.
Daily Morning Affirmation
written by Amber Jones
written by Amber Jones
I am truly pleased and happy with this present moment and my future excites me as well. I feel comfort in my expansion. My relationships with others satisfies me very much. Every morning I wake up I embrace the opportunity to be thankful for my life and spiritual gifts that lead to many blessings. No other thoughts interject my mind as I take a moment to genuinely appreciate the universe, and all its wonder. The power inside me enables me to have anything I want. I face the day feeling healthy, free-spirited, confident, enthusiastic, happy, and thankful.
My body is ready to intrepret the vibrations of the day and experience the situations that are in alignment with my emotional states. I’m granted with fresh thoughts, strength, creativity and energy. I am filled up with enough patience to maneuver through each day with harmony and peace. I’m a portal to positive opportunities and I’m eager to be a blessing to others. I amin tune with infinite intelligence by having a positive mental attitude. Ideas, suggestions, and wisdom flow through me freely and readily. Abundance is everywhere. I attract well-being and prosperity constantly. My future is crystallizing right in front of me based on thoughts I choose. I accept my desires as if they already exist. My life matters and my day is great.
Managing Your Freedom
Hurled like a twig in the mist of a storm, feel the certainty of the wind just as you feel the sureness of your dreams.
Whirling around in a storm like a leaf eventually not knowing which way is up or which way to go.
Managing your freedom, maintaining happiness and figuring out how to get passed circumstances and failures by allowing your mind to drift on top of air currents.
Let thoughts, visions and aspirations propel you through time.
Let thoughts, visions and aspirations propel you through time.
Embrace the likelihood of achieving something spectacular, if that's what you desire. Surpass mediocrity and utilize the power that lets dreams wander as far as they can go.
Decisions on the way; move you in a direction (along a particular path), orchestrating the reality of your life.
Let the wind carry your desires where ever it directs them to go. Trust. Have faith. Experience the power of being free.
Decisions on the way; move you in a direction (along a particular path), orchestrating the reality of your life.
Let the wind carry your desires where ever it directs them to go. Trust. Have faith. Experience the power of being free.
What is real - anyway?
Our personality traits, past stress, life choices and emotions often cloud the "truth" of daily situations. We are spiritual beings and all events of daily life are subjected to the collaboration of spiritual laws within the universe. How do we get through passing moments and each day with spiritual integrity? By petitioning the universe, speaking to the divine on the way to work, attending events, while sitting in the car, meeting up with friends or anytime through out the day. Ask for the day to unfold in the most ideal way for all parties involved. Ask that if conflicts arises, you can be open to the compassion needed to handle the situation or circumstance.
Harmony is readily available to all those who seeking to embrace it. Try to view people through the lens of love. Search for the truth behind people's actions, intentions are rarely as negative as first perceived. Try to resist the need to succumb to personal prejudices or emotions from the past.
The universe renews itself from moment to moment and people can too. Decide what you're willing to fight for... Love? Limiting beliefs? Or personal freedom? The world is about choices.
Spiritual truths and Living
To journey as a spiritual being means living inside a physical body and sharing life experiences. Our spirits exist to explore and unite with counterpoints all over the world and throughout life. Together with mind, body and spirit we have ultimate freedom. Love, appreciation, and positive energy unlocks the power to express free-will.

We have the ability to interpret situations with more than just emotions or raw energy. We can tap into higher wisdom by striving towards peaceful, joyous, and harmonious outcomes regardless of physical circumstances or surroundings.
Spiritual Truth 2:
Love and spirit are powerful entities. They are part of a realm that co-exists with our physical flesh. If we explore this realm we begin to learn how the desires of our hearts can become reality. Our circumstances, our living, and our fascination with trials and tribulations can change into a fascination with joy, miracles, and appreciation. Love is more than a state of mind; love is why we are on a journey as a human being - so we can share it with others.
Each person possess a guided force so marvelous that if we ever figured out all of its immense capabilities we'd accomplish things far beyond belief. Personal liberty is so enormous that the universe doesn’t command anything outside of our own decisions and free choice. During the journey we can begin to choose wisely, decide with power,
and plan with purpose.
Spiritual Oxymorons
Professing strength, the position of greatness, worth, or superiority to prove being better than another is also a failure to remember that human beings possess ultimate power and highest regal authority over themselves. The very presence of existence as part of the world announces superiority of human strength, greatness, and excellence.
However, when we exercise power for deviant satisfaction that's when our greatness no longer serves us. It can be hard to resist directing power over others, after all, why have such immense power without being able to use it for all possible occasions? It can even seem appropriate having a high degree of righteousness, especially once one realizes the magnitude of personal ownership. As masters of our destiny we plan our lives intending for things to go our way and when things don't we can get self-righteous and blame other people, events, and circumstances.
The unlimited opportunities for the mind to create solutions to life problems is phenomenal. The total power and authority we actually have in every situation and circumstance is overwhelming. It's so overwhelming it appears easier to direct power over other things even though that's not its purpose. I call that a spiritual oxymoron.
A list Oxymorons in the Real World:
a fine mess
However, when we exercise power for deviant satisfaction that's when our greatness no longer serves us. It can be hard to resist directing power over others, after all, why have such immense power without being able to use it for all possible occasions? It can even seem appropriate having a high degree of righteousness, especially once one realizes the magnitude of personal ownership. As masters of our destiny we plan our lives intending for things to go our way and when things don't we can get self-righteous and blame other people, events, and circumstances.
The unlimited opportunities for the mind to create solutions to life problems is phenomenal. The total power and authority we actually have in every situation and circumstance is overwhelming. It's so overwhelming it appears easier to direct power over other things even though that's not its purpose. I call that a spiritual oxymoron.
A list Oxymorons in the Real World:
a fine mess
a just war
a little big
bad health
sad smile
The Vibrational Vortex - Harmony
To find the purpose of harmony and balance in all situations is a skill that can be learned. To petition the vast universe often with as many different subjects as possible.
The spiritual world responds generously, quickly and happily to our wants and desires. Trust the universe to remove distractions as much and as thoroughly as you make possible. Prepare each day with the intention of celebrating an entirely fresh creation of your mind.
Utilize the authority and ability to make decisions about your own state of harmony and peace. We are creators, created in the likeness of God. We were designed to have abundance in anything we desire that serves the greater good.
The ingeniousness of the simultaneous presence of God, the phenomenon of the universe, and the magnitude of the super- positional laws of the spiritual world boggles my mind.
The spiritual world responds generously, quickly and happily to our wants and desires. Trust the universe to remove distractions as much and as thoroughly as you make possible. Prepare each day with the intention of celebrating an entirely fresh creation of your mind.
Utilize the authority and ability to make decisions about your own state of harmony and peace. We are creators, created in the likeness of God. We were designed to have abundance in anything we desire that serves the greater good.
The ingeniousness of the simultaneous presence of God, the phenomenon of the universe, and the magnitude of the super- positional laws of the spiritual world boggles my mind.
How do you know?
How do you know what emotions to feel?
How do you know which thoughts are real?
How do you know which thoughts are real?
Nothing can stop you from achieving what you want except your own reasons for thinking that something actually can. Break down what it’s going to take in order to stay true to the principles and values you promised to keep despite the oppositions you are going to face.
Some people mistake a kind heart as a liability that permits corrupt intentions but your kindness reveals the glory of God by the bravery it takes to be you. Your goal should be to never sell out in order to provide others the satisfaction of fitting in. If you're not accepted for you it's not worth going against what you were created to do.
If you were created as a kindhearted person; be gentle towards others that’s what you were here to do. That's what the world needs you to be. If you’re not true with your essence then you’ll never become who you where created to be and the entire world suffers a massive loss.
If you were created as a kindhearted person; be gentle towards others that’s what you were here to do. That's what the world needs you to be. If you’re not true with your essence then you’ll never become who you where created to be and the entire world suffers a massive loss.
You will know you’re not in sync with life, if each moment is a race to see how fast it can be over with so you can get to the next one. Or if you’re taking detail accounts of everything you pass along the banks while traveling downstream you haven’t learned how to go with the flow yet. That means once you reach the place you thought you wanted to be, it won’t be where you thought it would be because you arrived there without the presence of God.
The Construction of ........ "A new Me"
The Vibrational Vortex
What is my vibrational proximity to happiness? to my goals? to the updated version of me?
Why do I always have to stop and slow down entirely in order to adopt a new way of thinking and re-construct a new me?

While constructing the new me I will be trying to be more intentional and precise than ever before. This commands a particular level of diligence, focused effort and concentration. Fortunately, the hard work used to deliberately develop self expansion is rewarded quickly and becomes profitable because it's supported by the forces of universe and the powers of God.
Everything we do in an attempt to become more of who we are; is acknowledged favorably by life. Every time we go with our expansion, it requires less effort then before. Eventually, we develop the particular skills and characteristics needed to make us who we are suppose to be. Then we use those attributes to give something back into the world. God welcomes the expansion of all of us, the universe supports the continuation of self realization and sustains the existence of your life.
Everything we do in an attempt to become more of who we are; is acknowledged favorably by life. Every time we go with our expansion, it requires less effort then before. Eventually, we develop the particular skills and characteristics needed to make us who we are suppose to be. Then we use those attributes to give something back into the world. God welcomes the expansion of all of us, the universe supports the continuation of self realization and sustains the existence of your life.
Emotion 10
Destiny flows like a river and unfolds like a flower
Sits like a mountain and sways like a tower
Destiny camouflages with the heavens
shines in the sun
recovers from storms and soothes eveyone
recovers from storms and soothes eveyone

does battle in the wind
Dances among the clouds
has victory pinned
Destiny is invisible and evaporates in rain
It's the beginning, the ending & from where everyone came
Emotion 9
I drink my beer right out of the bottle.
It might not be classy or proper or fine but it's all mine.
I see more out of life than most are willing to give.
Perspective is the only thing I've got.
Growth is a constant force
always in motion & consistently evolving.
I used to define life by the perspectives of others but now I define it according to my own fulfillment.
Hell and paradise can both exist inside our mind.
So, how do we determine which exists most?
Do bad thoughts make us die ...
Do good thoughts make us live... I don't know
but I'll continue to drink beer
right out of the bottle
it may not be classy, or proper, or fine
But at least it's all mine
that's all that matters
because my perspectives' the only thing I've got
Emotion 8
Deep moods – maybe
Serious thoughts – perhaps
All I know is how I feel
And how I feel is what I think
Moving against the current but some people say they can't feel the flow
Taking soft breaths –sure
Making moves- absolutely
I own my future, I design my master plan
I write the script and plot the characters
I choose the actors, I create my mood
Deep frames of mind - maybe
Enlightened thoughts – I’ve had one or two
My ability to converse with fate keeps me company
Alone – never, not once
Lonely – it’s been known to have happen once or twice
Serious thoughts – perhaps
All I know is how I feel
And how I feel is what I think
Moving against the current but some people say they can't feel the flow
Taking soft breaths –sure
Making moves- absolutely
I own my future, I design my master plan
I write the script and plot the characters
I choose the actors, I create my mood
Deep frames of mind - maybe
Enlightened thoughts – I’ve had one or two
My ability to converse with fate keeps me company
Alone – never, not once
Lonely – it’s been known to have happen once or twice
Emotion 7
Motherhood dances
She teaches the tune of our souls
Giving heritage
making us whole.
Motherhood shares
she’s a loyal creator
Committed to expansion
to something much greater.
Motherhood talks
she’s a separate dimension
Revealing what we know
about love and affection.
Motherhood sings
She’s the master of thought
Blended existence
of life that is brought.
She teaches the tune of our souls
Giving heritage
making us whole.
Motherhood shares
she’s a loyal creator
Committed to expansion
to something much greater.
Motherhood talks
she’s a separate dimension
Revealing what we know
about love and affection.
Motherhood sings
She’s the master of thought
Blended existence
of life that is brought.
Emotion 6
Old manifestations
determined thoughts
surviving like plants
with dying leaves
a relentless mind
obsessed with results
broken like the stems of a plant
that are persistent to grow
old limiting beliefs determined to live
bent like withering leaves
trying to restoring life
to old thoughts in my mind
one day the plant will die
just like former thoughts
no longer completely able
to live anymore
Finally time for a new thought
time for a new seed
in an old pot with fertile soil
with a new chance for things to come
a fresh beginning of thoughts
with reliable substance
for new stems to spout
and leaves to grow
a new thirst to seek fresh water
creating new pathways
along the roots
deep in the soil
A growing seed
Breaks through soil
a new journey
for a life freshly created
determined thoughts
surviving like plants
with dying leaves
a relentless mind
obsessed with results
broken like the stems of a plant
that are persistent to grow
old limiting beliefs determined to live
bent like withering leaves
trying to restoring life
to old thoughts in my mind
one day the plant will die
just like former thoughts
no longer completely able
to live anymore
Finally time for a new thought
time for a new seed
in an old pot with fertile soil
with a new chance for things to come
a fresh beginning of thoughts
with reliable substance
for new stems to spout
and leaves to grow
a new thirst to seek fresh water
creating new pathways
along the roots
deep in the soil
A growing seed
Breaks through soil
a new journey
for a life freshly created
Emotion 4
Through her eyes
life is as gentle as a pedal
as rich as the shade
as smooth as summer's air
Excellence is in everything.
Through her eyes
dreams are meant to be dreamt
life is designed to be great
and naps are restful adventures.
Through her eyes
nights replenish joyful exhaustion
days are filled with amusement
brilliance is everywhere.
Through her eyes
wonder is everything
maturity is nothing
sensations are tranquil
life cannot be interrupted.
Through her eyes
she teaches me how to smile
even at the things that aren't
as cute or adorable as she.
And that's why I chooose to view
the world
through the beauty of her eyes…….
Dedicated to my God-daughter.
life is as gentle as a pedal
as rich as the shade
as smooth as summer's air
Excellence is in everything.
Through her eyes
dreams are meant to be dreamt
life is designed to be great
and naps are restful adventures.
Through her eyes
nights replenish joyful exhaustion
days are filled with amusement
brilliance is everywhere.
Through her eyes
wonder is everything
maturity is nothing
sensations are tranquil
life cannot be interrupted.
Through her eyes
she teaches me how to smile
even at the things that aren't
as cute or adorable as she.
And that's why I chooose to view
the world
through the beauty of her eyes…….
Dedicated to my God-daughter.
Emotion 3
Dependable, thoughtful handsome creator
self exploring in spirituality, health, life and family
Open-minded, forgiving of himself and others
Willing, creative, playful
Loving, inspiring, sincere, intellectual, compassionate, fun, and active
Relaxed, secure, confident about financial circumstances
Prosperous in personal health, love and sharing
Strong passion for living, comfortable with changing
Committed, truthful, strong-minded in the journey together with another
Happily going with the flow and enjoying bliss
Celebrates life with curiosity & wonder
Expresses creativity on various levels
Appreciative of life, himself, and soon-to-be partner
Able to, willing to show love persistently and consistently
Initiates conversations but comfortable with silence
Sensual in affection with an appetite for sexual intimacy
Flexible with growing and the expansion of self
Unwavering in faith & personal integrity
Fulfilled and content with the present
eager for what's in store for the future
Emotion 2
It never felt like work to run as a child
I always found opportunities to do it as much as I could
It never felt like work to talk to friends on the phone as a teenager
I always needed more time to talk as much as I wanted
It never felt like work to learn about life as I got older
So I went to university to learn as much as I should
It never felt like I could run out of options as I became an adult
So I expressed the magnitude of my desires and strived for a remarkable journey.
It never felt like work to appreciate joy as I continued to grow
I aim to maintained my purpose while cherishing my soul.
Life just never felt like work........
I always found opportunities to do it as much as I could
It never felt like work to talk to friends on the phone as a teenager
I always needed more time to talk as much as I wanted
It never felt like work to learn about life as I got older
So I went to university to learn as much as I should
It never felt like I could run out of options as I became an adult
So I expressed the magnitude of my desires and strived for a remarkable journey.
It never felt like work to appreciate joy as I continued to grow
I aim to maintained my purpose while cherishing my soul.
Life just never felt like work........
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